We all know high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a killer way to get in a fast, effective workout. Research proves it’s good for your heart; it burns fat; it even lowers your risk of disease. But did you know it can also boost your performance, and, in turn, make you a better cyclist?
“Similar to intervals or sprints on the bike, HIIT circuits allow you to go all-out with just enough rest to allow repeat performances,” explains Frank Baptiste, a certified strength and conditioning coach, cyclist, and creator of this workout. “This is a great way to target your upper heart-rate zones when off the bike.”
More than that, this particular HIIT routine is set to shore up your lower body (hello, quads!) and core strength, both of which are key muscle groups when it comes to cycling. “The stronger you are, the more force you’ll be able to put through the pedals, translating to higher power output,” says Baptiste. “A strong core will help you to extend your endurance by minimizing unwanted movement as you fatigue.”
That’s the best part: You can complete the entire circuit without equipment. That’s because “Your own body weight can provide enough resistance to build explosive power, especially through plyometric training where the intensity comes from the speed of the movement,” he says.
How to Do the Workout: This circuit is all about going hard, so you want to keep your intensity up and that heart rate spiked. This means finishing the reps of a particular exercise should not signal rest time. Instead, move quickly into the next exercise, taking no more than 15 seconds to make that transition happen.
Don’t worry, you’ll get a full 60 seconds to catch your breath after you finish all five moves and before heading into the next round. Aim for 4 to 5 rounds, which should take you about 15 to 20 minutes. Complete the workout 1 to 2 times per week in between your rides.
You will need an exercise ball, a set of dumbbells, and a step or bench. An exercise mat is optional.
Feeling confident in your skills? Try upping the ante with the progressions listed. Either way, your hard work will leave you feeling lighter on the bike in just a few weeks.
Jumping Split Squat
Why: It builds explosive power and gets that heart rate up.
How to do it: Start in a staggered stance, with right foot forward and left foot back. Drop down into a split squat with a 90-degree bend in both knees. Jump straight up, switching legs in the air and landing in another split squat with left foot forward and your right foot back. Immediately jump up again, switching legs in the air again. Continue to alternate. Do 10 reps per leg.
Pro tip: Focus on landing soft and keeping a proud posture in your upper body.
Make it harder: To up the difficulty level on this move, try jumping higher or faster.
Stir the Pot
Why: This move reverses that hunched over position you are constantly in while cycling, helping to improve your posture.
How to do it: Kneel in front of a stability ball with palms and lower arms resting on ball; hands clasped. Extend legs back, coming into a forearm plank on the ball, so that your body forms a straight line from head to heels; gaze about a foot in front of you. With hips tucked, core engaged, and glutes squeezed, circle forearms clockwise to move the ball, keeping the rest of your body still. Do 10 reps and then circle the ball counterclockwise for 10 reps.
Pro Tip: Use your forearms to push the ball away from your body and don’t let your lower back sag. If the “stirring” motion is too challenging, simply hold the plank on the ball.
Make it harder: Once you’ve conquered the move, go bigger. Literally. You’ll do this by slowing down your circles and making them larger, and more exaggerated.
Why: Here you’ll build quad strength, which is the dominant muscle group used when cycling.
How to do it: With a dumbbell in each hand at sides (you can also skip the weights here), stand tall facing a box or step with your right foot fully on the step. Press into the right heel, straightening your right leg and bringing the left foot up to meet your right foot on top of the box or step to come to standing. Reverse motion, bending your right knee and stepping down with the left foot. Do 10 reps, and then switch legs and repeat.
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Pro tip: Stay tall, keep core engaged, and lower with control.
Make it harder: The easiest way to make this move more challenging is by increasing the height of the step, adding weight (or more weight) or a combination of both.
High Plank With Hip Tap
Why: This move is all about anti-rotation, which is a fancy way of saying you’ll build stability. The end result of shoring up yours: better efficiency on the bike.
How to do it: Start on all fours. Lift your knees and extend legs back, coming into a high plank, so your body forms a straight line from head to heels; feet should be shoulder-width apart and wrists directly under your shoulders. Hold this position, keeping abs, glutes, and quads tight. Lift right hand and bring it back to touch right hip, and then place it back on the ground. Repeat motion with left hand. Continue alternating, for a total of 20 reps (10 reps per side.)
Pro tip: You want to make sure your hips are square to the floor and you keep them still; don’t allow hips to sway back and forth.
Make it harder: If you’re planking with no problem, lift the opposite leg of the hand that is touching the hip, making this move a two-point plank. You’ll have to tap into your core even more here.
High Knees
Why: This move will help boost your cadence on the bike and spike your heart rate before the rest and next round.
How to do it: Start standing with feet together. Drive right knee up toward chest, with the left arm driving forward and right arm back; elbows should be bent to 90 degrees. Quickly lower the right foot back down and drive the left knee up, bringing the right arm forward. Continue alternating for a total of 60 reps (30 reps per side).
Pro tip: Really try to pump your arms as this is the motion that propels this movement. Having a lackluster arms swing, on the other hand, will limit your ability.
Make it harder: Play the long game and add more reps or go faster.