Common Bicycling Repairs You Can Master at Home
Time spent hauling your bike to the shop is time spent away from riding. Here’s how to solve some basic issues yourself.
When you have a trusted bike shop in your area, that usually means you also have a trusted bike mechanic to help you out when you need certain repairs.
Even with a good mechanic, the time your bike spends in the shop means less time riding it—plus, it costs you money. So learning some basic repair skills that you can do at home can save you time and money.
It’s okay to take your bike to the shop if you’re unsure you can perform the repair properly yourself. Here are some situations where you should go directly to the bike shop for service.
- You’ve recently had an unexpected accident while cycling. Your safety is the highest priority and ensuring your bike is top-notch before venturing on the road is a must!
- When you try to resolve the problem yourself, you run into an issue where you do not have the part or expertise to finish the job properly. Head over to the shop, they’ll love to see you..
We know, it’s no fun hauling your bike to the shop for something minor. That’s why we reached out to bike mechanics to see what questions they always face. Here’s how you can solve these basic repairs yourself.
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