File this under too close for comfort! In a video that has gone viral, BBC radio host Jeremy Vine can be seen narrowly escaping a double-decker bus sideswipe in London.

Anyone can admit that being passed so closely by a vehicle when on a bike is terrifying, and most who have bike-commuted in a city have experienced something similar. But viewers of the video have taken to social media to debate who was truly at fault.

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The Daily Mail reported that after Vine posted the 53-second clip that he filmed via cameras on his bike, his 790,000 followers on Twitter were up in arms about who was in the wrong.

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Some sided with Vine, saying cyclists and pedestrians always have the right of way. Others pointed out that he was in the bus lane, and that he should have moved as far to the left of the lane as possible.

Vine, 57, frequently bike-commutes in London, and often posts videos of the dangers (and sometimes humor) that come with being a person traveling on a bike. He captures moments of interaction between himself and those driving vehicles, or even pedestrians who seem to think that bikes are a nuisance.

In the bus instance, Vine catches up with the driver at the next intersection and can be heard asking, “What’s going on?” But there’s no response. The interaction happened at around 6:20 a.m. on Tuesday, and Vine made it clear on Twitter that he would be filing a report with Transport for London (TfL).

The video now has more than 2.2 million views, with plenty of people still debating the incident. No matter what the lane markers say, and no matter what the rules are, it’s a good reminder that people should take care of and look out for other people on the roads. Especially when one is way, way more vulnerable than the other.

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Micah Ling
Freelance Writer

Micah Ling is a freelance writer based out of Salida, Colorado. She splits her time in the mountains biking and trail running. Connect with her on Instagram and Twitter.