a cyclist's complete guide to recovery by bicycling magazine

Recovery is key to any cyclist in training. When you go for a hard ride or workout, you’re putting your body under stress and breaking down muscle tissue; it’s during postworkout recovery that these muscles repair, adapt, and grow stronger so that the same workout feels easier next time. When you don’t give yourself enough recovery time to let your body rest and repair, you are putting yourself at risk of illness, injury, and overtraining, on top of slowing your progress.

When training for a big event like a century, a gravel grinder, or a bikepacking trip, it’s tempting to go longer and harder than you should, even on the “easy” days. But while we all know swapping a recovery ride for an “office park crit” or group ride isn’t the best idea, it can be challenging to slow down and do what’s right for your body and your training goals.

While most training plans factor in rest days, there’s no one-size-fits-all outline. Everyone is different, and factors like age, cycling experience, work, health conditions, and others can all make a difference. Some of the signs that you may need extra rest include:

  • Feeling mentally tired
  • Having an elevated heart rate
  • Struggling to hit your training goals

Learning what your body needs to recover faster and more efficiently takes time. That’s why we have put together this guide where you can find tips and advice from coaches, cyclists, and health professionals that will help you make the most out of your time in the saddle—as well as on your days off.

Recovery Guide Chapters
grouping of post ride meals and nutrition such as sandwiches and smoothies


Trevor Raab
leisurely recovery ride with cyclist coasting on a flat road
Trevor Raab
mountain biker stretching to avoid leg cramps
Brian Barnhart

athlete using foam roller on calf
Trevor Raab
normatech recovery boots on person in chair
Lakota Gambill
high angle view vie of woman sleeping on bed
Adam Kuylenstierna / EyeEm


female cyclist eating outside a cafe
Natalie Starr

Fueling the right way before and during a ride can really make or break your performance—there’s nothing worse than a ride taking longer than expected and praying you find a gas station for emergency gummy bears before you bonk. But your postworkout recovery meal is just as important.

Taking in the proper nutrients after a ride of any length or intensity can benefit your recovery, and even subsequent rides. Below, we outline everything you need to know about what to eat after a ride or workout, and what might happen if you don’t refuel your body properly.

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Recovery Rides

how to do a recovery ride
Brian Barnhart

Recovery rides are generally underrated, and people’s most common mistakes are skipping them or not going easy enough, and, therefore, never experiencing the value of a true recovery spin.

Peer pressure or FOMO can also get in the way of your easy days on the bike.

“I have been in this situation a lot, as many of my friends in Whitefish, [Montana], are mountain bikers and are constantly going on alpine adventures that I know would be more ‘fun’ than just doing the training as planned,” pro rider Sam Boardman, who rides with the Legion of Los Angeles crit racing team, tells Bicycling. “Still, I have to convince myself that I have my own racing goals bigger than myself that I need to be prepared for.”

But what do recovery rides do for our legs, exactly? Couldn’t we instead just spend that time on the couch? Well, you could, but according to Kristen Arnold, M.S., R.D., C.S.S.D., a level 2 USA Cycling coach at Source Endurance Coaching, that’s not the best idea. Below, we outline why that is—and what to do instead.

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benefits of stretching
PeopleImages//Getty Images

You know that you’re supposed to stretch. But sometimes, whether you’re late for an appointment or too tired after a long day, stretching is the first thing you skip on your training to-do list. Skipping stretching can hurt more than just your flexibility, however. This activity is vital for many aspects of training, such as recovering postride or decreasing your risk of injury.

We spoke with Jeff Brannigan, M.S., who has worked with Olympic athletes and is the program director at Stretch*d, a stretch therapy studio in New York City, to explain the importance and benefits of stretching, and how it not only improves your riding but also your overall livelihood.

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Foam Rolling

foam roller exercises
David Monk

Like a bicycle chain that’s gone through a few thousand revolutions in the elements, your hardworking cycling muscles can get a little gunked up over time, developing small adhesions that make you stiff and sore. This tightness may limit your range of motion and power. Sure, a massage therapist can work them out, but most of us can’t throw down the cash for a live-in soigneur. That’s where a handy foam roller comes into play.

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Though it can’t replace a skilled set of therapeutic hands, foam rolling can help warm and stretch your muscles, as well as provide myofascial release—breaking adhesions and scar tissue within the muscle and fascia that covers it—to prevent and relieve soreness, according to Scott Levin, M.D., a sports medicine specialist at Somers Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine Group in New York. “Foam rolling is a convenient and effective way to home in on trouble spots and work through them at your comfort level,” he says.

Below, learn more about the importance of foam rolling in your daily routine.

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Compression Therapy

Lakota Gambill

Once considered a medical-grade device, compression boots have gone mainstream—and some athletes consider them an absolute necessity. These days, you can find air-filled boots like NormaTec, Therabody, and Air Relax at gyms, studios, and physical therapy offices, and, depending on how much disposable cash you have laying around, you can even buy your own. But are they worth the time or financial investment?

The idea behind compression is pretty simple: It helps your system increase blood flow to certain areas, which helps circulate that waste to get rid of it faster. But not all compression is created equal. Below, check out some of the most popular compression boot systems and learn about the benefits and downsides of these high-tech recovery tools.

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how much sleep do you need, how to get better sleep
Luis Alvarez//Getty Images

We get it—getting adequate sleep is tough. You’re busy with work, family, keeping up with the house, and following your training program or getting in regular rides. Sometimes, it seems like the easiest thing to cut back on is shut-eye. And at first, this might not seem like a big deal. You can muscle through a few tired mornings. But if you’re chronically undersleeping, your health and your athletic performance will likely take a hit.

That’s the bad news. The good news? You can easily take charge of your sleep and be a better athlete and person for it. All you have to do is put in the effort.

“There are a lot of sleep behaviors you can control, so it’s a really important part of your training,” Cathy Goldstein, M.D., clinical associate professor of sleep medicine and neurology at the University of Michigan, tells Bicycling. You read that right: Looking at your sleep habits—and scheming to optimize them—should have a place on your training plan, just like your rides.

Here’s why you should care about getting more sleep, and some tips for actually making it happen.

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