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8 Things Every Cyclist Should Do in the Fall

It doesn’t matter if you’re a racer, or just a casual rider—fall is a great time to explore, prepare and cross things off your bucket list

by berne broudy
best bike trails
Brian Barnhart

Ride to See The Seasons

8 things every cyclist should do in the fall

From Vermont to Colorado, fall is season for admiring the foliage. Assuming you are taking the proper coronavirus pandemic precautions before any trip this year, plan a long weekend of pedaling through the Green Mountains or the Rockies to see the most stunning colors imaginable. And don’t forget to go high: The only thing more spectacular than red, orange, and yellow trees is when they’re frosted with sparkling early morning ice.

[A Cyclist's Guide to Dressing for Fall]


Get Your Bike Serviced

8 things every cyclist should do in the fall
Predrag Vuckovic//Getty Images

If you wait—when shops are overwhelmed because of the bike boom this year—you’ll find yourself in line to get a tune up. But if you take care of your maintenance in the fall and put your bike away clean and lubed, you’ll be able to hit the road without missing a beat come spring.

[7 Things Your Mechanic Knows About You After Five Minutes With Your Bike]



8 things every cyclist should do in the fall

If you’re spending a lot of time on the bike, you may not be spending much time in the gym. Take back your core by going to the gym, taking up skate skiing, or playing a sport that will help you build and maintain fitness with different kinds of movements. You might be surprised by how building strength through other sports can support your on-bike speed and stamina. Hone in on your goals for 2021, then use fall and winter to start your season strong.

[Download the All Out Studio App for more amazing at-home workouts!]

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Do a Night Ride

8 things every cyclist should do in the fall
Henrik Trygg//Getty Images

Just because the days are short doesn’t mean you have to stop cycling. Pick a quiet road or trail (ideally one you already know) and set your bike up with bright lights on your helmet, handlebar and also on the back of your pack or seat. That way, you’ll be able to see where you’re going and be seen by drivers and anyone behind you. Don’t be surprised if a familiar route looks new at night!

[Best Bike Lights This Year]


Try a Cross Race

8 things every cyclist should do in the fall
Ben McLeod//Getty Images

Cyclocross might be the hardest thing you can do on a skinny tire bike—and it’s a heck of a lot of fun. Whether you’re in it to win it, or just to hear a whole lotta cowbell, riding a cyclocross race will make it very clear what you do well on a bike and what you could improve. Luckily, since the laps are typically short, you’ll have plenty to time to practice that root ball or tricky turn. Cyclocross is also a great way to connect with the cycling community and prolong your season.

[Best Cyclocross Bikes of 2020]


Clear Out Old Bike Clothes

8 things every cyclist should do in the fall
Gloria Liu

Lycra and chamois foam break down with use and time. So at the end of the season, while you still remember which chamois you’ve been avoiding, which shorts are a little too short, or which jersey has that awkward hole— get rid of them. You’ll make space in your drawer, prevent spring saddle sores, and know what you really want and need when Santa asks.

[6 Things You Didn't Know About Your Chamois]

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Explore Somewhere New

8 things every cyclist should do in the fall

Most of us default to the local roads and trails we know and love, but with more mild temperatures and changing scenery, fall is a great time to branch out. Have you been pondering a rail trail ride? A wander down the Blue Ridge parkway? A circuit through a National Park? Used mapped routes from an outfit like Adventure Cycling Association, make up your own route—consider linking locations with Amtrak, which now allows bikes on some routes—or book a supported, self-guided tour.

[10 of the Best Long Rail Trails in the U.S.]



8 things every cyclist should do in the fall

Whether it’s an organized event like a trail day, or personal bike advocacy, fall is a great time to give back to the cycling community. Take a local kid or a new rider out for a pedal, stick a shovel in the dirt to improve your local trail network, or write your local officials asking for better bike lanes. You’ll be glad you did.

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