In a sport like cycling, where the bulk of your power comes from the legs, you may not give the back of your upper body a second thought. But you should! Strengthening your back helps you hold correct posture on the bike. And better posture carries two major benefits: more comfort and better performance.
Ideal cycling posture means hinging forward from the hips to grip the handlebars, as opposed to rounding your back and/or dropping your shoulders forward. (In other words, that position most of us hold at a desk or when looking at a phone—not what you want on the bike.)
“The more you can get that angle from your hips, the better your performance,” says Rachel Andrews, C.P.T., certified trainer and USA Cycling-certified coach. Not only will the hip hinge position allow you to open up your chest and breathe better, it will also make you more aerodynamic, she explains.
From a comfort perspective, hinging from the hips puts less strain on your neck. It also takes some of the pressure off your low back as you’re forced to engage the core more.
Unfortunately, many cyclists are used to hunching over their handlebars. “That’s how people sit at their desks all the time,” Andrews says. To support good posture for the duration of your ride, you need to work at undoing that habit. This means training the back muscles—from the back of your shoulders to the top of your hips—to develop plenty of stamina.
To build endurance in those back muscles, Andrews designed this six-move dumbbell back workout. Every exercise targets key muscles in your back to improve your comfort and performance on the bike. Andrews recommends incorporating this sequence into your training schedule one to two times per week.
How to use this list: Complete 3 sets of the following exercises in order, performing the first circuit 3 times, before moving onto the second circuit. Do each exercise for the number of reps listed below. Rest as needed between exercises, and rest 30 to 60 seconds between sets.
Each move is demonstrated by Andrews so you can master the proper form. You will need a set of light, medium, and heavy dumbbells. (Only have one set? You’ll still gain the benefits by performing these moves with any weight.) An exercise mat is optional.
Circuit 1
1. Suitcase Deadlift
Great for: Strengthening the glutes, hamstrings, lower back, and spine
How to do it: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and grip a heavy dumbbell in each hand down at sides, palms facing you. Start the movement at your hips by sending butt straight back, back flat. Bend knees just slightly. Lower chest and weights toward floor, keeping weights close to legs. Stop once you feel a slight pull in your hamstrings. Then, push the floor away with your feet as you stand back up. Repeat. Do 10 reps.
2. Renegade Row
Great for: Targeting the muscles around the shoulder, lats, and core; building anti-rotational core strength and shoulder stability
How to do it: Start in a high plank position, shoulders directly over wrists, each hand on a pair of light or medium dumbbells. Without shifting your hips, pull one dumbbell to ribcage, elbow staying close to body. Drive opposite hand into the dumbbell on the floor. Lower the weight back to the floor and repeat on the opposite side. Keep your abs braced and glutes engaged the entire time to prevent lower back from sagging. Continue alternating. Do 6 reps per side.
3. Bent-Over Reverse Fly
Great for: Building the posterior deltoid (or back of shoulder), upper- and mid-back muscles; helping reverse rounded posture on and off the bike
How to do it: Stand with feet hip-width apart and hold a light dumbbell in each hand down by sides. Bend knees slightly and hinge forward at the hips, sending butt straight back, until your chest is almost parallel to the floor. Allow the weights to hang slightly in front of you, palms facing each other. Keeping back flat and a slight bend in elbows, lift the dumbbells out to the sides until arms are in line with shoulders. Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you go. Lower the dumbbells back down with control. Repeat. Do 10 reps.
Circuit 2
1. Isometric Single-Leg Deadlift With Single-Arm Row
Great for: Working the spinal erectors (the muscles along the spine), core, posterior deltoids and lats; building balance to keep cyclists from swaying as they ride
How to do it: Stand and hold a medium dumbbell in right hand down by side. Shift weight onto the left leg and bend knee slightly. Keeping back flat, hinge at the hips, right leg lifting behind you. Stop when chest is almost parallel to the floor. Allow right arm to fully extended toward the floor, palm facing in. Keep leg elevated, hips square to the floor, and pull the dumbbell up toward ribcage, keeping elbow close to side. Stop when elbow reaches just beyond ribcage. Extend right arm to lower the weight. Hold the single-leg deadlift position until you’ve completed 6 row reps with right arm. Repeat on the other side. Do 6 reps per side.
2. Alternating Bent-Over Row With Iso-Hold
Great for: Building the muscles surrounding the shoulder blade, lats, and posterior deltoid while the body is in a hinge position; teaching cyclists not to round their back while they ride
How to do it: Stand with feet hip-width apart and hold a medium or heavy dumbbell in each hand down by sides, palms facing each other. Bend knees slightly and hinge forward at the hips until chest is almost parallel to the floor. Keeping back flat, pull the dumbbells up toward ribcage, elbows close to side, and stop when the elbows reach just beyond ribcage. Hold right arm in place and lower the left weight toward floor until arm is fully extended. Then, row left weight back. Hold left arm in place and lower right weight toward floor until arm is fully extended. Then, row right weight back. Continue alternating. Do 8 reps per side.
3. Pullover
Great for: Strengthening the lats to support better posture on the bike
How to do it: Lie faceup on the floor, knees bent and feet planted. Hold a light or medium dumbbell horizontally with both hands. Extend your arms up toward the ceiling, over your chest. With your back and head on the floor, lower the weight back and overhead, biceps by ears. Elbows can bend slightly. Lift arms to bring weight back to the starting position. Repeat. Do 10 reps.
Lauren Bedosky is a freelance health and fitness writer who specializes in covering running and strength training topics. She writes for a variety of national publications, including Runner’s World, Prevention, Experience Life and Women’s Running.