Steep descents can be among the more intimidating obstacles you’ll find in a 'cross race. Maybe it rained last night and the ground is slick with mud. Maybe it’s loose with sand. Either way, you’re going to need some skills to get to the bottom safely. Olympic mountain bike racer and cyclocross star Katerina Nash has plenty of experience piloting bikes down steep terrain. (In fact, it’s become one of her favorite things to do on a bike.) Here are eight tips that’ll help you learn to love the descents as much as Nash does.

Be ready and relaxed

“The most important thing of riding a bicycle is, you need to know what’s coming at you,” says Nash. That’s especially key in cyclocross races where there isn’t much margin for error. Pre-ride the course if you can, but also be ready for the course to change throughout your race. “In cyclocross where every second counts, you need to know what’s coming up.” Keep your shoulders relaxed and your eyes ahead, says Nash. That way, nothing on the course will take you by surprise.

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Shift your weight toward your back wheel

Sometimes, you’ll be able to sit in the saddle and roll down the course. For a steeper descent, though, you’ll want to shift your weight back. “The steeper it gets, definitely move back,” says Nash. “You’ll definitely see me getting behind the saddle or off to the side if there’s a corner coming up.” Because of her mountain bike background, Nash says she tends to stand on the descents more than some other riders might. It all comes down to what feels best to you. “If I can still pedal on the descent, then I’ll be seated,” she says. (If it’s a short descent, there might not be time to change your body position, either.)

Use your drops

Similar to riding the road, it’s typically easiest to descend in the drops on a 'cross bike. “I feel like I have better control of the bike,” says Nash. “You can actually get a little bit of rest, too,” she adds. “If you’re on the top of the hoods, you really have to hold on to the handlebars.” The drops offer more control and a more relaxed hand position for descending.

Brake Smart

Another advantage of riding in the drops is that you can easily reach your brakes. Nash is a fan of disc brakes for 'cross, because of the additional control she feels they offer. “They’re great in the mud and those kind of adverse conditions,” she says. Make sure to use both brakes, though, not just the rear. “If you only use your rear brake, especially with disc brakes, you will lock up the wheel and it will be skidding all around,” she says. But you always have to be gentle with the front brake, too: “You don’t want to grab the front brake too hard—that’s when you see people going over the handlebars.” Using both brakes smoothly will help keep you in control—and upright.

Don’t let the crashes get you down

“We all crash and we all make mistakes,” says Nash. It’s easy to get discouraged or frustrated if you crash during a race, but even the pros fall sometimes. “I always joke around that I’m fast at getting up,” she says. “I’ve had a lot of practice!” Nash likes to push the limits and she’s quick to admit that it doesn’t always work out. “You’ve at least given your all!”

Relax and have fun

There are a lot of things to think about in a 'cross race and sometimes, it’s hard to remember that you’re out there to have fun. “I think like any sport out there, don’t overthink it,” says Nash. “Just go out there and race!” Learn to love the challenge and variety—running, riding, hopping barriers, descending—that comes with cross racing. “It’s such a unique discipline,” says Nash. “It’s just this ever-changing and demanding sport that I really enjoy.”