It's daunting. That's why you've signed up for this monster multi-day ride. You want to challenge yourself. You want to suffer a little (but not too much). Maybe you're putting yourself out there to raise money for a personal cause or charity. Now, you're staring down the challenge, unsure where to start, wondering if you can really do this.

You can. Believe me. I've helped people of all shapes, sizes, ages, and ability levels prepare for some of the hardest multi-day charity rides going for the past 19 years. With steady, proper preparation, you can finish—even flourish—on the bike day after day. The secret to your success will be hitting key elements in your training, including specific types of riding, off-the-bike training, and general preparation.

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To help, we put together this 16-week training plan. To use it, start now—the plan assumes that you have built at least a base before you're 16 weeks out from your event. Then scan ahead to the next milestone to see what you need to be working on to hit that goal. Keep progressing through the milestones, checking them off one by one, and you'll be ready to roll come go-time.

The Plan:

16 weeks out: Develop a solid endurance base.

Having a solid foundation will be key to your success in a multi-day event. Ride at least four to five hours or 50 to 75 miles a week.

14 weeks out: Do a 50- to 60-miler.

One weekly long ride is key to your event prep. During these rides, practice pacing to finish as (or almost as) strong as you start: keep your heart rate effort at about 70 percent of your max (or maintain a pace where you can carry on a conversation with your ride buddies).

12 week out: Hold a plank for 30 to 60 seconds.

Planks don't just work your abs; they build strength in all of the muscles that surround your spine. Planking regularly will make your core strong enough to support you day after day and prevent back and neck aches. Aim for a 60-second hold by the time your event rolls around by adding five to 10 seconds each week.

10 weeks out: Complete a three-day ride streak.

Plan at least two to three ride streaks before your event to get your bum and body used to being in the saddle for consecutive days. Make two of the days longer and/or harder than the third.

8 weeks out: Conquer a single-day, mass-start ride.

You'll be more comfortable riding with hundreds of your new closest friends at your event. Do a long one, like a metric or full century, and practice pack riding, refueling at rest stops, and pacing.

6 weeks out: Find your go-to ride snacks and drinks.

Don't wait until the big event to find out what doesn't agree with your belly. At this point, practice drinking at least one bottle and eating 120 to 240 calories per hour. Experiment with different options until you find something that works. Botching your fueling not only wrecks your day, but on multi-day rides, it can also set you up to suffer tomorrow.

5 weeks out: Master recovery.

Within 30 minutes after each ride, snack on carbs and protein—a banana with peanut butter, chocolate milk, a handful of nuts—and keep your feet elevated in compression socks. Add in some foam rolling to keep tired muscles loose and ready for the next ride.

4 weeks out: Brave the elements.

You may encounter rain, cold, wind, or heat during a multi-day event, so deliberately go out in crap conditions to build mental toughness and be sure that "waterproof" jacket really is.

3 weeks out: Make sure your bike is ready, too.

Don't wait until the night before the first day of your event to realize you need a new chain. Have a mechanic give your bike a thorough check a few weeks out. Get all of your other gear—pump, multi-tool, tubes, etc.—together and make sure you know how to use it all.

2 weeks out: Download the course to your GPS computer.

You'll be glad you did if the course markings go missing (or never go up in the first place). Even if the ride file is not available yet, you should familiarize yourself with the course, figure out how to download the file to your cycling computer, and use it for navigation when it is posted or shared.

1 week out: Taper your training.

At this point, cramming in some last-minute miles will only tire you out. Do a couple of short rides that include a few short, hard efforts such as a tough climb or a town line sprint, but otherwise, rest and let your muscles repair and restock with glycogen (sotred fuel) so you're ready to rock on day one.

Headshot of ​Selene Yeager
​Selene Yeager
“The Fit Chick”
Selene Yeager is a top-selling professional health and fitness writer who lives what she writes as a NASM certified personal trainer, USA Cycling certified coach, Pn1 certified nutrition coach, pro licensed off road racer, and All-American Ironman triathlete.